NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2021 of the Norwegian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong (NorCham HK) will be held on the following date, and at the following time and place, namely:
Date: 17th August 2021
Time: 5pm to 7pm
Place: Due to the extraordinary situation with COVID-19, and to abide by HK law, we have no choice but to arrange this years AGM VIRTUALLY this year. The AGM will therefore take place on Zoom video conferencing (details to be provided upfront)
In order to form a quorum (as per the NorCham bylaws) for the AGM, we need to receive replies from no less than one quarter of our members. YOUR ATTENDANCE IS THEREFORE IMPORTANT TO THE SUCCESS OF THIS MEETING!
The agenda will be distributed either at or before the AGM. Please confirm your attendance by signing up for the event.
Should you be unable to attend, you may choose to appoint a proxy by completing the form here and sending it to chamber@norchamhk.com.
We apologize for the delay in arranging the AGM, and for the special circumstances, but we hope for your understanding.